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Icon Game ForzaHorizon3

Exceptional Engineering Extravaganza is a Forzathon event in Forza Horizon 3 held from June 8, 2018 to June 15, 2018.

During the event, players can participate in various challenges to win the Nissan Silvia K's and other rewards.

Type Challenge
FH3 Icon WheelspinReward Rush To The Other Flag
Complete a Race in a GMC vehicle to win 3 Wheelspins.
FH3 Icon CreditsReward Directed Competition
Complete 5 Head-To-Head Races in an Alfa Romeo to receive 55,000 CR.
FH3 Icon XPReward Becoming Pegasus
Perform 10 Ebisu Skills in a Holden to earn 55,000 XP.
FH3 Icon CarReward Turn It Around Again
Perform 15 J-Turns in a Nissan to win the Nissan Silvia K's.
