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Icon Game ForzaHorizon4

Update 22, also known as Series 22, was the 22nd major content update for Forza Horizon 4 that was released on May 6, 2020.

This update added a new quick-shot option to Horizon Promo, along with six new Hard-to-Find cars.

Festival Playlist[]

See also Festival Playlist & Forzathon


Summer Season[]

FH4 Festival Playlist Summer Logo
Main article: Forza Horizon 4/Update 22/Summer Season

Autumn Season[]

FH4 Festival Playlist Autumn Logo
Main article: Forza Horizon 4/Update 22/Autumn Season
  • Duration - May 14, 2020 at 2:30 pm (UTC) to May 21, 2020 at 2:30 pm (UTC)
  • Season Completion Bonuses
  • Event Rewards
  • Forzathon Shop

Winter Season[]

FH4 Festival Playlist Winter Logo
Main article: Forza Horizon 4/Update 22/Winter Season

Spring Season[]

FH4 Festival Playlist Spring Logo
Main article: Forza Horizon 4/Update 22/Spring Season

Patch Notes[]

Main article: Forza_Horizon_4/Update_History#May_5.2C_2020
  • New Features
    • Horizon Promo Quickshot
      • Photo Mode now has a new ‘Promo Quickshot’ button, which allows you to add cars to your promo collection much faster. Press RB to quickly add new cars to your promo collection, without having to wait for the photo processing time. Note - this option is not available when using Effects Mode within Photo Mode.
    • Showcase Remix - Pillar of Autumn
      • A new remix of our Halo Showcase Experience, this time challenging you to drive the Warthog in an autumnal rainstorm. Have you got what it takes to outrun the Covenant once more, Chief? As per usual, you must have completed the regular showcase before the remixed version is unlocked.
    • Showcase Remix - Taxi for Takeoff
      • Isha’s Taxis takes on the Delta-Wing in this Series’ Showcase Remix. What happens when you put a jet up against a black cab with a Racing V12, and a terrifying power-weight ratio? We’re not entirely certain, but it’s sure to be spectacular!
  • Cross-Platform Fixes
    • Fixed an Issue with players being unable switch Star Card flairs
    • Fixed an issue with Forzathon Points being displayed incorrectly in Russian
    • Fixed an issue with Tool Tip options disappearing when browsing liveries in the Creative Hub
    • Fixed an issue with the 2005 Honda NSX-R which caused parts of the hood to clip through the dashboard in cockpit view
    • Fixed an issue with the 2007 Formula Drift #117 599 GTB Fiorano where wheel screws were not being painted correctly
    • Various stability improvements