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Icon Game ForzaHorizon3

Heel-Toe Shifting is a Forzathon event in Forza Horizon 3 that was held from September 8, 2017 at 06:00 (UTC) to September 15, 2017 at 05:59 (UTC).

During the event, players could participate in various challenges to win the Nissan Silvia Spec-R Horizon Edition and other rewards.

Type Challenge
FH3 Icon XPReward Looking For Drivers
Get 3 Stars on a Drift Zone to earn 95,000 XP.
FH3 Icon WheelspinReward Top Drifter
Perform 20 Drift Skills in a Nissan to win 3 Wheelspins.
FH3 Icon XPReward Export Exhibition
Complete a Race in a Japanese car to receive 20,000 CR and 20,000 XP.
FH3 Icon CarReward Coming Through
Win a Championship in a Nissan to win the Nissan S15 HE.