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Icon Game ForzaHorizon3

Hot And Heavy Horizon is a Forzathon event in Forza Horizon 3 held from January 19, 2018 to January 26, 2018.

During the event, players could participate in various challenges to win the AMG Transport Dynamics M12S Warthog CST, Porsche 911 GT2 RS and other rewards.

Type Challenge
FH3 Icon CarReward That's Fast
Perform 20 Speed Skills in a Modern Supercar to win the 2012 Porsche 911 GT2 RS.
FH3 Icon CarReward Flies Pretty Well
Perform 20 Kangaroo Skills in an Offroad vehicle to win the M12S Warthog CST.
FH3 Icon CreditsReward Choices, Choices
Win a Race in the Warthog or 2012 Porsche 911 GT2 RS to receive 95,000 CR.
FH3 Icon Promotion This Or That
30% discount off Modern Supercars and Offroad Vehicles.
