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Icon Game ForzaHorizon3

Speed is Key is a Forzathon event in Forza Horizon 3 that is currently held from October 6, 2017 at 06:00 (UTC) to October 11, 2017 at 05:59 (UTC).

During the event, players can participate in various challenges to win the Jaguar F-Type Project 7 Horizon Edition and other rewards.

Type Challenge
FH3 Icon XPReward Flare-lit Drive
Complete a Street Race in a Hypercar to earn 55,000 XP.
FH3 Icon CreditsReward Hyper Fast
Win a Race in a Hypercar to receive 80,000 CR.
FH3 Icon WheelspinReward Go Faster
Perform 20 Speed Skills to win 3 Wheelspins.
FH3 Icon CarReward Release The Beast
Get 3 Stars on a Speed Trap in a Hypercar to win the Jaguar F-Type HE.