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Telemetry in Forza Motorsport 7

The telemetry is a gameplay feature in the Forza series that records and displays data about the car the player is currently driving.

Telemetry can be accessed by pressing down on the D-pad on the Xbox controller in the Forza Motorsport games, while in the Forza Horizon games, holding down on the D-pad accesses the telemetry except if ANNA can instead be accessed via pressing down on the D-pad. While in the telemetry, the D-pad can be used to switch pages or exit telemetry. On PC, telemetry is accessed by pressing the Esc button on the keyboard.

Telemetry Pages[]


Telemetry General

The first page of the telemetry, General, provides the following data:

  • Speed and current gear
  • Current RPM level (with one decimal place)
  • Current power (in hp or kW; always changes between RPMs)
  • Current torque (in ft·lb or N·m; always changes between RPMs)
  • Boost (in psi or bar)
  • Steering
  • Clutch
  • Throttle
  • Handbrake
  • Brake


Telemetry Friction

The second page of the telemetry, Friction, provides information about friction the car's tires experience, with dynamic graphs and peak friction percentages for each tire.


Telemetry Suspension

The third page of the telemetry, Suspension, provides information about the car's suspension and changes it goes through as the car is being driven. It shows suspension offset for each side of the front and rear suspensions.

Body Acceleration[]

Telemetry Body Acceleration

The fourth page of the telemetry, Body Acceleration, acts as a sensor that detects changes in lateral G forces during both acceleration and cornering.

Tires, Misc.[]

Telemetry Tires, Misc.

The Tires, Misc. page of the telemetry provides information about the car's tires, including speed, camber, temperature, pressure, and wear.


Telemetry Heat

The Heat page of the telemetry informs the player with information about heat on the inner, middle, and outer parts of each tire.


Telemetry Damage

The final page of the telemetry, Damage, displays information about the car's vital parts and how much damage they have taken. Each part starts at 0.0% and will trigger a warning once it has suffered at least 50.0% damage. Fuel always starts at 100.0% and will gradually deplete to 0.0%.

For further information, see the Damage article.
