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Icon Game ForzaHorizon3

The Halo Weekender is a Forzathon event in Forza Horizon 3 held from October 28, 2016 at 01:00 (UTC) to October 31, 2016 at 00:59 (UTC).

During the event, players could participate in various challenges to win three unique horns and a AMG Transport Dynamics M12S Warthog CST.

Type Challenge
FH3 Icon HornReward Flag Taken, Flag Dropped
Complete 3 public games of Flag Rush with an Extreme Offroad car to unlock the first Halo Horn.
FH3 Icon HornReward Crush Hour
Complete 3 public games of King with an Extreme Offroad car to unlock the second Halo Horn.
FH3 Icon HornReward The Forge
Win a public game of King or Flag Rush with an Extreme Offroad car to unlock the complete Halo Horn.
FH3 Icon CarReward Looks More Like A Puma
Finish 5 public games of both King and Flag Rush in an Extreme Offroad to win the M12S Warthog CST.


  • The "Looks More Like A Puma" challenge is a reference to episode 2 of the Halo fan series Red vs. Blue, and consists of the Red team arguing over which animal their new M12 LRV closely resembles.