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Icon Game ForzaMotorsport5Icon Game ForzaMotorsport6

"Imagine yourself a celebrity and hit the Top Gear Test Track! Can you carry enough momentum through Hammerhead to hit top speed as you swing wide into The Follow-Through? Will you gamble and cut the corner onto the back stretch or play it safe? Will you keep all four wheels on the road as you finish strong through Gambon? The Vauxhall Astra 1.6 Tech Line is a sturdy car with peppy acceleration and a comfortable ride. It’s no race car, but when you envision yourself setting your best time on the track after having been coached by The Stig, it might just seem like it."
—Official description[1]

The 2013 Vauxhall Astra 1.6 Tech Line Top Gear Edition - abbreviated as "Astra 1.6 '13" - is a front-wheel drive hatchback by Vauxhall.

It appears in Forza Motorsport 5 since the August 2014 content update[2] and in Forza Motorsport 6.


The 2013 Vauxhall Astra was used in the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car segment of the Top Gear television series, replacing the 2011 Kia cee'd from previous seasons.


Icon Game ForzaMotorsport5
Speed 4.4
Handling 3.9
Acceleration 4.8
Launch 5.0
Braking 3.7
D 251
Required DLC:
Requires the August Content Update
Unlock Requirements
Car Dealer:
Purchase from the car dealer for 25,000 CR or 42 T
Performance & Body Family
Body Family:
Modern FWD Hot Hatch
Top Speed: 116.8 mph  (187.9 km/h)
0-60 mph (0-97 km/h): 10.500 secs.
0-100 mph (0-161 km/h): 35.517 secs.
60-0 mph (97-0 km/h): 107.9 ft (32.9 m)
100-0 mph (161-0 km/h): 293.4 ft (89.4 m)
Lateral Gs:
60 mph (97 km/h): 1.02 g
120 mph (193 km/h): 0.98 g
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport6
Speed 4.5
Handling 4.1
Acceleration 4.8
Braking 3.8
E 244
Unlock Requirements
Car Dealer:
Purchase from the car dealer for 25,000 CR
Performance & Division
Hot Hatchbacks
Top Speed: 117.6 mph  (189.2 km/h)
0-60 mph (0-97 km/h): 10.500 secs.
0-100 mph (0-161 km/h): 35.500 secs.
60-0 mph (97-0 km/h): 111.2 ft (33.9 m)
100-0 mph (161-0 km/h): 307.4 ft (93.7 m)
Lateral Gs:
60 mph (97 km/h): 1.01 g
120 mph (193 km/h): 0.97 g


Icon Engine Conversion - Engine
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport5 2.0L I4 - VVT, 1.6L I4 - Turbo Rally, 3.7L V6 - VVT
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport6 2.0L I4 - VVT, 1.6L I4 - Turbo Rally, 3.7L V6 - VVT
Icon Drivetrain Conversion - Drivetrain
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport5 RWD, AWD
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport6 RWD, AWD
Icon Aspiration Conversion - Aspiration
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport5 Single Turbo
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport6 Single Turbo



  1. "Forza Motorsport 6 - Cars" . . Retrieved 10-26-2018.
  2. "Forza Motorsport 5 Content Update Details" . . Retrieved 10-26-2018.