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Icon Game ForzaMotorsport4
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"Volkswagen do Brasil has been making unique variants of Volkswagen models for local consumption since 1953, and even exported an earlier version of the Fox (known in Brazil as the Gol) to North America for a time. Now the successful and economical new Fox is crossing the pond, replacing the miniscule Lupo in European markets. Larger and less expensive than the Lupo it replaces, it also boasts a torquey 1.4-liter engine that provides punch off the line, along with typically competent Volkswagen handling prowess. In the highly competitive city car market, the Fox is a front-runner."
—Official description[1]

The 2011 Volkswagen Fox is a city car by Volkswagen.

It is featured in Forza Motorsport 4. It can be selected as the player's first car upon starting a new profile.

It can also be encountered as a lower detail traffic vehicle in Forza Horizon 2, its standalone expansion and in Forza Horizon 4.


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Icon Game ForzaMotorsport4
Speed 3.0
Handling 4.2
Acceleration 3.1
Launch 3.3
Braking 4.1
F 101
Unlock Requirements
Car Dealer:
Purchase from the car dealer for 10,000 CR
Performance & Body Style
Body Style:
City Car
Value: 10,000 CR
Top Speed: 104.6 mph  (168.3 km/h)
0-60 mph (0-97 km/h): 12.500 secs.
0-100 mph (0-161 km/h): 50.000 secs.
60-0 mph (97-0 km/h): 140.0 ft (42.7 m)
100-0 mph (161-0 km/h): 286.2 ft (87.2 m)
Lateral Gs:
60 mph (97 km/h): 0.80 g
120 mph (193 km/h): 0.74 g

Traffic Vehicle

Icon Game ForzaHorizon2
Speed ?
Handling ?
Acceleration ?
Launch ?
Braking ?
Unlock Requirements
A traffic vehicle that can not be unlocked.
Icon Game ForzaHorizon2PresentsFastAndFurious
Speed ?
Handling ?
Acceleration ?
Launch ?
Braking ?
Unlock Requirements
A traffic vehicle that can not be unlocked.
Icon Game ForzaHorizon4
Speed ?
Handling ?
Acceleration ?
Launch ?
Braking ?
Unlock Requirements
A traffic vehicle that can not be unlocked


Icon Engine Conversion - Engine
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport4 I4T - Beetle '04
Icon Drivetrain Conversion - Drivetrain
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport4 AWD
Icon Aspiration Conversion - Aspiration
Icon Game ForzaMotorsport4 Single Turbo, Twin-Screw Supercharger, Centrifugal Supercharger


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  1. "Forza Motorsport 4 - Cars" . . Retrieved 11-14-2018.